BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

Display Abstracts | Brief :: Order by Meeting | First Author Name
1. Ferraro L, Rosato V, Giuliano G
A probabilistic analysis of peptide distribution in proteomes
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2003 - Year: 2003
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Topic: Comparative genomics and molecular evolution
2. Lamontanara A, Vitulo N, Albiero A, Forcato C, Campagna D, Dal Pero F, Cattivelli L, Bagnaresi P, Colaiacovo M, Faccioli P, Simkova H, Dolezel J, Perrotta G, Giuliano G, Valle G, Stanca M
The repetitive landscape of Wheat Chromosome 5A. A preliminary study based on low-coverage NGS technologies
Meeting: Proceedings of BITS 2010 Meeting - Year: 2010
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Topic: Genomics
3. Pucello N, Giuliano G, Rosato V
Linguistic proteomics: highly parallel supercomputing for searching peptide
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2001 - Year: 2001
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4. Rosato V, Pucello N, Ferraro L, Giuliano G
Linguistic studies on thermophilic proteomes
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2002 - Year: 2002
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